All of the layers in the map have two information components; geographic and tabular. To view the tabular information for a map feature use the Identify tool on the toolbar or the search tools.
1.Click the Identify tool on the toolbar.
a.A dialog box will open.
2.Choose a selection method.
a.Select one selects a single feature with a single map click.
b.Select many gives the option of clicking and dragging a box to select several features.
3.Choose a map service in the first drop-down.
4.Choose a map layer in the second drop-down.
5.Choose a selection type:
a.New Selection creates an entirely new selection, removing the previously selected features.
b.Add to Selection adds to the currently selected features.
c.Select from Selection only performs the search against currently selected features.
d.Remove from Selection will remove results matching the search criteria from the currently selected features.
6.Click on the map to select features in the map at the location.
a.Click and drag a rectangle to select multiple features if using the select many option.
Features, when selected, will be outlined in the map.
When a (single) feature is selected the single feature window opens displaying the feature information and a drop down of available reports. When multiple features are selected the results window opens to display information in a table.
The results window is used to display the tabular or attribute information of multiple features.
•Features can be sorted by clicking on field headings.
•Features can be removed from the selected set by clicking the X in the left most column of each row.
•When a row is highlighted in the results window the feature is also highlighted in the map. A feature in the map can also be highlighted to reveal the corresponding record in the results window. The single feature window will also open for the highlighted record.
•To export this information to a Excel see the reports topic.
Regardless of how you selected features the Clear Button (eraser) will clear the entire selection set.